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How to Create Shorts Videos Using AI and Add Voice Over with free tools

In the rapidly evolving world of content creation, short videos have become a powerful way to engage audiences. Platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts are immensely popular, allowing creators to share concise and captivating content. With the advancement of artificial intelligence, creating these short videos has never been easier. In this blog post, we'll explore how you can create compelling short videos using AI and enhance them with professional voice overs using ElevenLabs.

Step 1: Planning Your Short Video

Before diving into the technical aspects, it's crucial to plan your video. Here are a few questions to consider:

- What is the main message or story?

- Who is your target audience?

- What kind of visuals will best convey your message?

- What tone do you want your voice over to have?

Having a clear plan will make the creation process smoother and more efficient.

Step 2: Creating the Video Using AI

Several AI tools can help you create stunning short videos with minimal effort. Here are a few popular options:

   1. Pictory:

   Pictory uses AI to turn text into engaging videos. You can simply input your script, and Pictory will generate a video with relevant visuals, transitions, and text overlays.

   2. InVideo:

   InVideo offers a wide range of templates and AI-powered features to help you create professional videos. You can choose a template, customize it with your content, and let the AI assist in enhancing the visuals.

   3. Lumen5:

   Lumen5 converts blog posts and articles into videos. It uses AI to analyze the text and match it with suitable visuals and music.

Step 3: Adding Voice Over with ElevenLabs

Once you have your video ready, it's time to add a voice over. ElevenLabs is an excellent tool for generating high-quality voice overs using AI. Here's how you can do it:

   1. Sign Up and Log In:

   Start by signing up for an account on ElevenLabs' website. Once you’re logged in, you’ll have access to their voice generation tools.

   2. Choose a Voice:

   ElevenLabs offers a variety of voice options. You can choose from different genders, accents, and styles. Select a voice that best matches the tone and message of your video.

  3. Input Your Script:

   Enter the script you want to use for your voice over. Make sure it’s clear and concise, as shorter scripts work best for short videos.

  4. Generate the Voice Over:

   Click on the generate button, and the AI will produce a voice over based on your script. You can preview it and make adjustments if necessary.

  5. Download the Voice Over:

   Once you’re satisfied with the voice over, download the audio file.

Step 4: Syncing the Voice Over with Your Video

Now that you have your video and voice over, it's time to bring them together. Most video editing software allows you to easily sync audio with video. Here’s a simple process using any standard video editor:

  1. Import the Video and Audio:

   Open your video editing software and import both your video and the voice over audio file.

  2. Align the Audio:

   Drag and drop the audio file onto the timeline. Align it with the video so that the voice over matches the visuals.

  3. Adjust the Timing:

   Make any necessary adjustments to ensure that the audio syncs perfectly with the video. You might need to trim or extend parts of the video or audio.

  4. Add Background Music (Optional):

   To enhance the overall feel of the video, you can add background music. Make sure the music volume doesn’t overpower the voice over.

  5. Export the Final Video:

   Once everything is aligned and you’re satisfied with the result, export the final video in the desired format.

Step 5: Sharing Your Short Video

With your video ready, it’s time to share it with the world. Upload your short video to platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, or YouTube Shorts. Make sure to use relevant hashtags and descriptions to increase its visibility.


Creating short videos with AI and adding voice overs using ElevenLabs is a streamlined process that saves time and effort while delivering professional results. Whether you're a content creator, marketer, or educator, leveraging these tools can help you produce engaging and high-quality content that resonates with your audience. Embrace the power of AI and start creating your short videos today!

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